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    • 姓名:陈旭东
    • 学历/学位:博士
    • 所属部门:大学物理教学部
    • 办公地址 :机电信息实验大楼A501
    • E-mail:chenxd@hqu.edu.cn
    • 个人主页网址链接:https://faculty.hqu.edu.cn/CXD/zh_CN/index.htm
    • 研究方向:光场调控、计算成像及光通信、计算成像、新型激光器件、纳米光学技术












同时担任Optics Express、Chinese physics letters等国内外专业学术期刊的审稿人。


1、国家自然科学基金青年项目,“腔内光场调控部分相干激光器的研究”,61605049,25.2万,2017.01-2019.12 项目负责人

2、福建省自然科学基金面上项目,“涡旋光束非线性光学效应的研究”,2018J01003,4万,2018.4-2021.4 项目负责人

3、企业合作开发横向项目,“微纳加工及纳米光学膜技术研究”,Z1843034,6.5万,2018.3-2020.4 项目负责人

4、企业合作开发横向项目,“基于深度学习的高速视频压缩感知与实时识别”,2021.3-2022.4 项目负责人

4、第七批HJC黄金城登录科技创新能力提升计划,“激光器腔内光场多维度调控技术研究”,ZQN707,40万,2019.05-2023.04 项目负责人

5、HJC黄金城登录高层次引进人才项目,4万, 项目负责人


1. X. Chen, S. Liu, Z. Lin, Z. Chen, and J. Pu, "Dual-cavity digital laser for intra-cavity mode shaping and polarization control," Opt. Express 26, 18182 (2018).

2. Sen-Sen Liu, Xu-Dong Chen, Ji-Xiong Pu, Zhi-Li Lin, Zi-Yang Chen, "A V-Folded Digital Laser for On-Demand Vortex Beams by Astigmatic Transformation of Hermite–Gaussian Modes," Chinese Physics Letters 36, 124203 (2019).3.

4. X. Chen, C. Chang, Z. Chen, Z. Lin, and J. Pu, "Generation of stochastic electromagnetic beams with complete controllable coherence," Opt. Express 24, 21587–21596 (2016).

5. X. Chen, C. Chang, Z. Lin, P. Ding, and J. Pu, "High-Energy Nanosecond Optical Vortex Output From Nd:YAG Amplifiers," IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 28, 1271–1274 (2016).

6. X. Chen, C. Chang, and J. Pu, "Stimulated Brillouin scattering phase conjugation of light beams carrying orbit angular momentum (Invited Paper)," Chin. Opt. Lett. 15, 30006 (2017).

7. Z. Y. Chen, X. D. Chen, J. X. Pu, and S. Chavez-Cerda, "Generation of partially coherent beams with controllable time-dependent coherence," Opt. Eng. 56 (2017).

8. Z. Lin, X. Chen, P. Ding, W. Qiu, and J. Pu, "Modeling the ponderomotive interaction of high-power laser beams with collisional plasma: the FDTD-based approach," Opt. Express 25, 8440–8449 (2017).

9. Z. Lin, X. Chen, W. Qiu, and J. Pu, "Propagation Characteristics of High-Power Vortex Laguerre-Gaussian Laser Beams in Plasma," Applied Sciences 8, 665 (2018).

10. S.-S. Liu, H.-D. Song, W.-Q. Lin, X.-D. Chen, and J.-X. Pu, "Synthesis of ununiformly correlated radially polarized partially coherent beam," Acta Phys. Sin. 68, 74201 (2019).

11. C. C. Chang, X. D. Chen, Z. Y. Chen, Z. L. Lin, X. Y. Li, and J. X. Pu, "Experimental investigation on a nonuniformly correlated partially coherent laser," Appl. Opt. 57, 4381–4385 (2018).

12. C. Chang, X. Chen, and J. Pu, "High-energy nanosecond radially polarized beam output from Nd:YAG amplifiers," Opt. Rev. 24, 188–192 (2017).

13.Chang Cheng-Cheng, Pu Ji-Xiong, Chen Zi-Yang, Chen Xu-Dong, "Generation of non-uniformly correlated stochastic electromagnetic beams Generation of non-uniformly correlated stochastic electromagnetic beams," Acta Phys. Sin. 66, 54212 (2018).


1)光学工程专业 学位硕士

2)新一代电子信息及量子技术专业 专业硕士

泉州校区地址:福建省泉州市丰泽区城华北路269号 邮编:362021

厦门校区地址:福建省厦门市集美区集美大道668号 邮编:361021


       院办电话:0592-6162380    团委办公室电话:0592-6162377教学办公室电话:0592-6162378 师德师风监督电话:0592-6162380