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王怀谦,博士,副教授,学术/专业型硕士研究生导师(学硕: 光学工程;专硕:电子信息)20116月毕业于四川大学原子与分子物理专业,获理学博士学位。曾获2010年教育部宝钢教育奖,入选2013年福建省高校杰出青年科研人才培育计划、2014年福建省新世纪优秀人才计划、2015年泉州市高层次创业创新人才、2016年泉州市科学技术奖二等奖2020福建省科学技术奖等奖。主要从事纳米团簇结构与物性研究,先后主持承担包括国家自然科学基金在内8项科研项目。已在国际SCI杂志《J. Chem. Phys.》、《Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.》、《RSC Adv.》、《J. Phys. Chem.》、《Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron.》和《J. Magn. Magn. Mater.》等公开发表科研论文40篇,其中有22篇重要的研究文章发表在影响因子大于2.0的国际著名刊物上,第一或通讯作者发表JCR Top期刊8篇,JCR 2区及以上SCI论文28篇,累积影响因子大于120,研究论文受到广泛关注,被包括Chem. Rev.(影响因子72.087)在内的国际权威SCI期刊累计引用457篇次。现为《J. Phys. Chem. Lett.》、《Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.》、《J. Chem. Phys.》、《J. Mater. Chem.》、《Inorg. Chem》、《Chem. Mater》、《Nanoscale》、《New J. Chem.》、《J. Alloy. Compd.》等国际期刊的评审专家,近年来累计审稿70余篇次。


(1) 2011.06  四川大学原子与分子物理研究所博士(硕博连读)

(2) 2006.06  鲁东大学物理与电子工程学院学士


(1) 20137~至今,HJC黄金城登录,工学院,副教授

(2) 20152~20158月,工程物理研究院北京计算科学研究中心复杂系统,访问学者

(3) 20117~20136月,HJC黄金城登录,工学院,讲师


(1) 教育部宝钢教育奖

(2) 福建省科学技术奖(自然科学奖)等奖(排名第1)

(3) 泉州市科学技术奖(自然科学奖)二等奖(排名第1)

(4) 福建省新世纪优秀人才计划

(5) 福建省高校杰出青年科研人才培育计划

(6) 泉州市引进高层次创业创新人才

(7) 第十二届福建省自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖(排名第1)

(8) 第八届泉州市自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖(排名第1)

(9) HJC黄金城登录百门优质课程《大学物理》

(10) HJC黄金城登录新工科示范课程《大学物理》

(11) HJC黄金城登录就业创业导师

(12) HJC黄金城登录2012~2014学年优秀班主任

(13) HJC黄金城登录2012年首届青年教师精彩一堂课竞赛三等奖

(14) HJC黄金城登录工学院2021-2022学年度首届“学生最喜爱的教师”荣誉称号


(1) 国家自然科学基金(11247257)

(2) 福建省新世纪优秀人才项目(2014FJ-NCET-ZR07)

(3) 福建省高校杰出青年科研人才计划项目(JA13009)

(4) 福建省自然科学基金面上项目(2017J01001)

(5) 福建省自然科学基金青年项目(2012J05005)

(6) 泉州市高层次人才项目(2018C077R)

(7) 中央高校基本科研项目(JB-ZR1201)

(8) HJC黄金城登录引进人才科研启动项目(11BS421)


(1) A joint experimental and theoretical study on structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of MnGen (n=3–14) clusters. Journal of Chemical Physics 154(2021) 204302 (SCI, top期刊, JCR一区, IF:4.304)

(2) Probing the structural, electronic and adsorptive properties of VnO- (n=10-15) clusters. Journal of Cluster Science 2022 doi:10.1007/s10876-022-02267-w (SCI, 期刊, JCR二区, IF:3.447)

(3) Microsolvation of Co in water: Density functional theory calculations coupled with stochastic kicking method. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 245 (2021) 118935 (SCI, 期刊, JCR一区, IF:4.831)

(4) A novel ratiometric fluorescent probe for water content in ethanol and temperature sensing. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 264 (2022) 120266 (SCI, 期刊, JCR一区, IF:4.831)

(5) Structural and electronic properties of exohedrally doped neutral silicon clusters LnSin (n=5, 10; Ln=Sm, Eu, Yb). Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22 (2020) 20545-20552 (SCI, top期刊, JCR一区,IF:4.493)

(6) Probing the structural and electronic properties of small vanadium dioxide clusters by density functional theory and comparison with experimental photoelectron spectroscopy. Journal of Chemical Physics 137(2012) 164304 (SCI, top期刊, JCR一区, IF:4.304)

(7) Probing the stability of neutral and anionic transition- metal-doped golden cage nanoclusters: M@Au16 (M=Sc, Ti, V). Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (2014) 244-254 (SCI, top期刊, JCR一区, IF: 4.493)

(8) Probing the structural and electronic properties of small vanadium monoxide clusters. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (2012) 5272-5283(SCI, top期刊, JCR一区,IF:4.493)

(9) Density functional study of structural and electronic properties of bimetallic copper-gold clusters: comparison with pure and doped gold clusters. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12 (2010) 5156-5165 (SCI, top期刊, JCR一区, IF: 4.493)

(10) Optical and magnetic properties of transition-metal ions in tetrahedral and octahedral compounds. Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 54 (2011) 1796-1800 (SCI, top期刊, JCR一区, IF:5.203)

(11) Comparative analysis of the difference of local structure between EPR theory and X-ray diffraction experiment for NiSiF6·6H2O crystal. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 468 (2009) 1-6 (SCI, top期刊, JCR一区, IF:6.371)

(12) Probing the structural and electronic properties of anionic europium-doped silicon clusters by density functional theory and comparison of experimental photoelectron spectroscopy. Chemical Physics 538 (2020) 110918 (SCI, JCR, IF:2.552)

(13) The stability, electronic, and magnetic properties of rare-earth doped silicon-based clusters. Journal of Molecular Modeling 25 (2019) 221 (SCI, JCR二区, IF:2.172)

(14) A combined stochastic search and density functional theory study on the neutral and charged silicon-based clusters MSi6 (M=La, Ce, Yb and Lu). RSC Advances 4 (2014) 29782-29793 (SCI, JCR一区, IF:4.036)

(15) Structure identification of endohedral golden cage nanoclusters. RSC Advances 5 (2015) 94685-94693 (SCI, JCR一区, IF:4.036)

(16) Structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of gold cluster anions doped with zinc: AunZn (2≤n≤10). The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113 (2009) 14022-14028 (SCI, JCR二区, IF:2.899)

(17) Doping golden cage clusters M@Au16q (M=Cr, Mn; q=0, 1) with adjustable magnetic properties. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 344 (2013) 79-84 (SCI, JCR二区, IF:3.097)

(18) Structural, electronic and magnetic effects of Al-doped niobium clusters: a density functional theory study. Journal of Molecular Modeling 18 (2012) 2993-3001 (SCI, JCR二区, IF:2.172)

(19) Probing the structural and electronic properties of Al-doped small niobium clusters. Chemical Physics Letters 554 (2012) 231-235 (SCI, JCR二区, IF:2.719)

(20) EPR and optical spectra of Ni2+-VAg in silver chloride. Molecular Physics 107 (2009) 621-627 (SCI, JCR三区, IF:1.937)

(21) Studies of EPR theory and trigonal distortion of the (NiX6)4- clusters (X = halide ion) in the series of perovskite crystals AMX3 (A = Rb, Cs; M = Cd, Mg; X = halide ion). Chemical Physics Letters 460 (2008) 365-369 (SCI, JCR二区, IF:2.719)

(22) Density functional study on structures, stabilities, electronic and magnetic properties of NbnO (n=3-10) clusters. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1006 (2013) 70-75 (SCI, JCR三区, IF:2.292)

(23) Stabilization of golden cages by encapsulation of a single transition metal atom, Royal Society Open Science 5 (2018) 171019 (SCI, JCR二区, IF:3.653)

(24) Theoretical study on structure stability and magnetic properties of SnnSm (n=1~9) clusters. Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities 37(10) (2016) 1840-1848 (SCI, JCR四区, IF: 0.954)

(25) Determination structure-property of lanthanide organometallic sandwich compounds using density functional theory. Nanoscience and Nanometrology 3(2) (2017) 40-45

(26) Structure prediction and photoelectron spectroscopy study of rare earth-doped silicon-based clusters: Si7q (M=Eu, Sm, Yb; q=0,-1). Journal of Chinese Universities 39 (9): (2018) 1976-1984 (SCI, JCR四区, IF: 0.954)

(27) Probing the structural, electronic, and adsorptive properties of Au16O2clusters. Journal of Molecular Modeling 26 (2020) 337 (SCI, JCR二区, IF:2.172)

(28) High resolution integral imaging display by using a microstructure array. Journal of Optical Technology, 86 (2019) 100-104 (SCI, JCR四区, IF: 0.517)

(29) A Cu(ii) coordination polymer-based catalytic sensing system for detecting cysteine and sulfur anions. Analytical Methods, 10 (2018) 4387-4393 (SCI, JCR二区, IF :3.532)

(30) Highly selective and sensitive sensing for Al3+ and F based on green photoluminescent carbon dots. RSC Advances 6 (2016) 97346- 97351 (SCI, JCR一区, IF :4.036)

(31) Probing the structural and magnetic properties of transition metal-benzene anion complexes. Dalton Transactions 40 (2011) 4578 -4589 (SCI, JCR一区, IF:4.569)

(32) Probing the structural and electronic properties of lanthanide-metal-doped silicon clusters: MSi6 (M = Pr, Gd, Ho). Physics Letters A 375 (2011) 2836-2844(SCI, JCR二区, IF:2.707)

(33) Structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of boron cluster anions doped with aluminum: BnAl. Chinese Physics B 21 (2012) 043102 (SCI, JCR二区, IF:1.652)

(34) Geometries, stabilities, electronic, and magnetic properties of small aluminum cluster anions doped with iron: A density functional theory study. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 980 (2012) 7-14 (SCI, JCR三区, IF:2.292)

(35) Density-functional investigation of the geometries, stabilities, electronic, and magnetic properties of gold cluster anions doped with aluminum: AunA1-. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1002 (2012) 31-36 (SCI, JCR三区, IF:2.292)

(36) Structural, electronic and magnetic properties of gold doped with calcium: AunCa (n=1-8). Molecular Physics 109 (2011) 315-323 (SCI, JCR三区, IF:1.937)

(37) Density functional study of structural and electronic properties of tetra-aluminum oxide clusters. Molecular Physics 109 (2011) 603-612 (SCI, JCR三区, IF:1.937)

(38) Direct MP2 Molecular Dynamics Studies of H Atom Reaction with CD4 and CH4. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 111 (2011) 4433-4442 (SCI, JCR三区, IF:2.263)

(39) Effect of local structure on electron paramagnetic resonance spectra for trigonal [Cr(H2O)6]3+ coordination complex in the sulfate alums series: a ligand field theory study. Chinese Physics B 18 (2009) 2967-2974 (SCI, JCR二区, IF: 1.652)

(40) Effects of concentration, temperature and hydrostatic pressure on the local lattice structure of Ni2+ doped Zn(BF4)2·6H2O crystal. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 64a (2009) 511-517 (SCI, JCR, IF:1.712)

(41) Theoretical study of local structure and ground state splitting of Cs2NaMF6 (M= Al, Ga): Cr3+ complex molecule systems. Acta Physica Sinica 59 (2010) 6501-6507 (SCI, JCR四区, IF:1.003)

(42) Local structural properties of (NiF6)4- clusters in perovskite fluorides RbMF3 series: EPR and optical spectra study in tetragonal and trigonal ligand field. Chemical Physics Letters 462 (2008) 133-137 (SCI, JCR二区, IF:2.719)

(43) Investigations of local lattice structure and the effects of orbital reduction factor on the g factors of trigonal [Ni(H2O)6]2+ cluster in NiTiF6·6H2O and ZnSiF6·6H2O crystals at different temperatures. Zeitschriftfür Naturforschung 63a (2008) 609-615 (SCI, JCR, IF:1.712)

(44) Effect on the EPR and local lattice structure distortion of V3+ ion doping corundum crystal: Three models studies. Molecular Physics 106 (2008) 1879-1885(SCI, JCR三区, IF:1.937)

(45) Investigation of carbon monoxide adsorption on cationic gold-palladium clusters. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 68a (2013) 651-658 (SCI, JCR四区, IF:1.712)


(1) 近年来,指导国家级、省级和校级大学生双创项目12项,指导学生60人次,发表学术论文8篇,其中SCI收录6

(2) 指导光电专业本科生毕业设计累计60余人次,均顺利通过答辩,其中多名学生荣获HJC黄金城登录优秀毕业论文和校长特别奖,多人保送或考入中科院、985院校研究生


(1) 信息科学与工程学院、光学工程(学术型硕士)

(2) 工学院、电子信息(专业型硕士)





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