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    • 姓名:张冬凯
    • 学历/学位:博士
    • 所属部门:电科系
    • 办公地址 :
    • E-mail:zhangdk@hqu.edu.cn
    • 个人主页网址链接:
    • 研究方向:


张冬凯,男,1992年11月生,博士,讲师。2021年6月毕业于厦门大学,于同年7月加入HJC黄金城登录,研究方向为量子信息和量子光学。自2015年起主要从事量子非局域性判据和空间光场调控相关方面的研究工作,在高维非局域性判据的理论推导和横向空间模式的调控及量子应用方面积累了丰富的理论和实验经验。主要研究内容包括双光子空间模式纠缠、高维非局域性判据的实验验证等,取得一系列研究成果,在Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. A, Phys. Rev. Applied, Opt. Lett.等国际期刊发表SCI论文十余篇(其中第一作者3 篇,共同一作2 篇,共同通信1 篇)。


2015.09-2021.06    厦门大学     硕士、博士(光学,导师:陈理想教授)  

2011.09-2015.06   福建师范大学   本科 (新能源科学与工程


2021.07-至今 HJC黄金城登录 讲师







国家自然科学基金青年项目(12205107), 30万,在研(2023.01-2025.12)






[1] D. Zhang, X. Qiu, W. Zhang, and L. Chen*, Verifying angular-position entanglement by Hardy’s paradox with multisetting high-dimensional systems, Physical Review A 105, 062401 (2022).

[2] 阎思瑾,张冬凯,陈理想*,光子径向模式:光场调控及量子信息应用进展,光学学报,42, 26-43 (2022).

[3] D. Zhang, X. Qiu, T. Ma, W. Zhang, and L. Chen*, Orbital-angular-momentum- based experimental test of Hardy’s paradox for multisetting and multidimensional systems, Physical Review A 101, 053821 (2020).

[4] D. Zhang, X. Qiu, W. Zhang, and L. Chen*, Violation of a Bell inequality in two-dimensional state-spaces for radial quantum number, Physical Review A 98, 042134 (2018).

[5] Y. Zeng#, D. Zhang#, F. Tang, S. Fang, W. Zhang *, and L. Chen*, Controlling quantum correlations in optical-angle–orbital-angular-momentum variables, Physical Review A 104, 053719 (2021).

[6] T. Ma#, D. Zhang#, X. Qiu#, Y. Chen*, and L. Chen*, Radial diffraction of light in the radial momentum state space, Optics Letters 45, 5152 (2020).

[7] X. Qiu, D. Zhang, W. Zhang, and L. Chen*, Structured-pump enabled quantum pattern recognition, Physical Review Letters 122, 123901 (2019).

[8] L. Chen*, T. Ma, X. Qiu, D. Zhang, W. Zhang, and R. W. Boyd, Realization of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox using radial position and radial momentum variables, Physical Review Letters 123, 060403 (2019).

[9] W. Zhang, J. Gao, D. Zhang, Y. He, T. Xu, R. Fickler*, and L. Chen*, Free-space remote sensing of rotation at photon-counting level, Physical Review Applied 10, 044014 (2018).

[10] Y. Chen*, W. Zhang, D. Zhang, X. Qiu, and L. Chen*, Coherent generation of the complete high-dimensional Bell basis by adaptive pump modulation, Physical Review Applied 14, 054069 (2020).

[11] X. Qiu, D. Zhang, T. Ma, F. Lin, H. Guo, W. Zhang, and L. Chen*, Parallel Ghost Imaging, Advanced Quantum Technologies 3, 2000073 (2020).

[12] W. Zhang, D. Zhang, X. Qiu, and L. Chen*, Quantum remote sensing of angular rotation of structured objects, Physical Review A 100, 043832 (2019) .

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