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    • 姓名:林志阳
    • 学历/学位:博士
    • 所属部门:大学物理教学部
    • 办公地址 :综合实验大楼
    • E-mail:suthing@hqu.edu.cn
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林志阳,博士,研究生导师。曾获得中国科学院院长奖优秀奖,博士学位论文被评为中国科学院优秀博士学位论文。主持完成国家自然科学基金两项,福建省青年科研基金一项,HJC黄金城登录高层次人才引进要才项目一项。至今已在“Physical Review Letters”、“Europhysics Letters”和“Optics Express”等学术刊物发表论文10余篇。一直以来,围绕强激光场中原子分子电离,高次谐波产生和空气激光等方面开展了较系统的研究工作,取得了一系列有显示度的创新研究成果。同时担任 Chinese physics B,《光学学报》和《光谱学与光谱分析》等国内外专业学术期刊的审稿人。



办公室: 综合楼A509




2013.07-至今 HJC黄金城登录 硕士生导师

2008.09-2013.07 中科院武汉物理与数学研究所 获理学博士学位

2007.09-2008.07 中国科学技术大学 近代物理系

2003.09-2007.07 厦门大学物理系 获理学学士学位


1.国家自然科学基金青年项目:涡旋强飞秒激光脉冲在空气中非线性传输特性研究 11504116,项目负责人








1.Y. Chen, X. M. Man, B. X. Liu, and Z. Y. Lin*, " Nitrogen fluorescence emission pumped by femtosecond optical vortex beams," Frontiers in Physics 11, 1124026 (2023).

2.Z. Lin*, Y. Chen, J. X. Pu, and X. Y. Lai, "Enhancing circularly polarized XUV vortices from bicircular Laguerre-Gaussian fields," Optics Express 30, 2636 (2022).

3.Z. Y. Lin*, Y. Chen, and X. W. Li, "Non-adiabatic imprints on the low-energy structure in above-threshold ionization," Europhysics Letters 137, 35001 (2022).

4.Z. Y. Lin*, B. Q. Lin, and J. X. Pu, "Wavelength- and Polarization-Dependent Single Ionization of O2 in Strong Laser Fields," Acta Optica Sinica 40, 0802001 (2020).

5.Z. Y. Lin*, B. Q. Lin, W. Q. Yang and J. X. Pu, "Wavelength and Polarization Effects in Strong-filed Ionization of Diatomic Molecules Driven by Mid-infrared Lader Pules," Photonics and Electromagnetics Research Symposium Proceedings (2019).

6.Z. Y. Lin*, "Wavelength-dependent angular distributions of low-energy electrons in mid-infrared strong field ionization," Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics/Pacific Rim (2018).

7.Z. Y. Lin*, B. Q. Lin, and Z. Chen, " Single Ionization of Atoms Driven by Ultrafast Intense Mid-Infrared Laser Fields," Acta Optica Sinica 38, 0802001 (2018).

8.Z. Y. Lin, M. Y. Wu, W. Quan, X. J. Liu, J. Chen, and Y. Cheng, "The Coulomb effect on a low-energy structure in above-threshold ionization spectra induced by mid-infrared laser pulses," Chin. Phys. B 23, 23201 (2014).

9.Z. Y. Lin, X. Y. Jia, C. L. Wang, Z. L. Hu, H. P. Kang, W. Quan, X. Y. Lai, X. J. Liu, J. Chen, B. Zeng, W. Chu, J. P. Yao, Y. Cheng, and Z. Z. Xu, "Ionization suppression of diatomic molecules in an intense midinfrared laser field," Physical Review Letters 108, 223001 (2012).

10.F. J. Zhuang, Z.Y. Lin and S. Q. Zhu, "Observation of the effective linear polarization induced by the asymmetrical Raman gain of YVO4 crystal," Optical Materials 60, 290 (2016).

11.F. J. Zhuang, X. Li and Z. Y. Lin, "Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Dual-wavelength Continuous-wave Yb∶YAG Laser," Acta Photonica Sinica 46, 0214002 (2017).

12.Zhixin Zhang, Pinggui He, Xiuwan Li, Zhibo Yang, Yujun Fu and Zhiyang Lin, " One-step combustion synthesis to prepare MnNi3O4/Ni nanofoams composites for lithium ion battery anode," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 158, 38 (2018).

13.Xiuwan Li, Zhixin Zhang, Chaoqun Liu and Zhiyang Lin, "Capacity Increase Investigation of Cu2Se Electrode by Using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy," Front. Chem. 6, 221 (2017).

14.Z. X. Chen, Q. Lin, B.He and Z. Y. Lin, "Entanglement dynamics in double-cavity optomechanical systems," Optics Express 25, 017237(2017).

15.H. P. Kang, S. Chen, Z. Y. Lin, W. Chu, J. P. Yao, W. Quan, J. Chen, X. J. Liu, Y. Cheng, and Z. Z. Xu, "Comparative study of strong-field ionization of alkaline-earth-metal atoms," Phys Rev A 101, 053433 (2020).

16.H. Kang, Z. Lin, S. Xu, C. Wang, W. Quan, X. Lai, X. Liu, X. Jia, X. Hao, J. Chen, W. Chu, J. Yao, B. Zeng, Y. Cheng, and Z. Xu, "Wavelength-dependent ionization suppression of diatomic molecules in intense circularly polarized laser fields," Phys Rev A 90, 063426 (2014).

17.W. Quan, Z. Lin, M. Wu, H. Kang, H. Liu, X. Liu, J. Chen, J. Liu, X. T. He, S. G. Chen, H. Xiong, L. Guo, H. Xu, Y. Fu, Y. Cheng, and Z. Z. Xu. Classical Aspects in Above-Threshold Ionization with a Midinfrared Strong Laser Field. Physical Review Letters 103, 093001(2009).

18.H. Kang, W. Quan, Y. Wang, Z. Lin, M. Wu, H. Liu, X. Liu, B. B. Wang, H. J. Liu, Y. Q. Gu, X. Y. Jia, J. Liu, J. Chen, and Y. Cheng. Structure Effects in Angle-Resolved High-Order Above-Threshold Ionization of Molecules. Physical Review Letters 104, 203001(2010).


19.林志阳,吴丽青,陈子阳,蒲继雄,一种可变换式的内外雕刻激光设备,专利号:ZL 2019 2 2123710.4,授权公告日:2020.11.3.


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