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华大系统科学论坛 No. 2017-06

发布时间:2017-03-02    点击数:

Non-equilibrium landscape theory of chemical reaction systems: from stochastic thermodynamics to single-cell biology


北京国际数学研究中心 (BICMR)

北京大学生物动态光学成像中心 (BIOPIC)


Due to the advance of single-molecule techniques, stochastic modeling and computation become more and more useful and popular recently. I will discuss two related theories. One is a unifying mathematical theory of non-equilibrium thermodynamics of chemical reaction systems. A generalized macroscopic free energy called landscape emerges and satisfies a balance equation. The balance equation is valid generally in isothermal driven systems, which is actually an unknown form of the second law. This framework is totally based on the internal kinetics of the system, without knowing every details of the interaction between internal kinetics that we can measure in most experiments with all the surroundings. The other is the landscape theory and a new rate formula for the phenotype transition in an intermediate scenario of a single cell, which is more general and more close to the reality of living cells. The new rate formula can explain a "noise enhancer" therapy for HIV reported recently, which motivated a future project of us.



葛颢,北京国际数学研究中心 (BICMR)副教授,北京大学生物动态光学成像中心 (BIOPIC)特聘研究员。2008年博士毕业于北京大学,师从钱敏教授。2009年获中国数学会第九届“钟家庆数学奖”(优秀博士论文奖),2010年获全国百篇优秀博士论文,2016年获得教育部“长江学者奖励计划”青年学者,并获基金委优秀青年基金项目资助。主要科研方向为随机过程与生物、物理、化学的交叉,具体包括非平衡态热力学和统计物理的随机数学理论、单分子和单细胞生物化学中的非平衡态景观函数理论及表型迁移速率公式、随机过程在具体非平衡生物物理化学模型中的应用等。




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