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华大系统科学论坛 No. 2017-05

发布时间:2017-03-02    点击数:

Recent Developments in Cancer Research(癌症研究的最新进展)

Chin-Kun Hu(胡进锟),台北中央研究院物理研究所


Cancer is the leading cause of death in many countries. In this talk, I briefly review some recent developments in the theoretical studies of cancer research. We propose a modification of the Crow-Kimura and Eigen models of biological molecular evolution to include a mutator gene that causes both an increase in the mutation rate and a change in the fitness landscape. This mutator effect relates to a wide range of biomedical problems. There are three possible phases: mutator phase, mixed phase and non-selective phase. We calculate the phase structure, the mean fitness and the fraction of the mutator allele in the population, which can be applied to describe cancer development and RNA viruses [1]. We find that depending on the genome length, either the normal or the mutator allele dominates in the mixed phase. We analytically solve the model for a general fitness function. We conclude that the random fitness landscape is an appropriate choice for describing the observed mutator phenomenon in the case of a small fraction of mutators. It is shown that the increase in the mutation rates in the regular and the mutator parts of the genome should be set independently; only some combinations of these increases can push the complex biomedical system to the nonselective phase, potentially related to the eradication of tumors [1]. We have also found interesting results due to correlation between gene and pseudogene mRNAs in the control of cancer [2,3].

[1] David B. Saakian , Tatiana Yakushkina and Chin-Kun Hu: The rich phase of a mutator model, Scientific Reports 6, 34840 (2016).

[2] K. G. Petrosyan and C.-K. Hu: Fluctuation effects in gene reugulation by microRNAs and correlations between gene and pseudogene mRNAs in the control of cancer, Journal of Statistical Mechanics, P07019 (2015).

[3] K. G. Petrosyan and C.-K. Hu:  Noise-induced multistability in the regulation of cancer by genes and pseudogenes, J. Chem. Phys. 145, 045102 (2016).



胡进锟(Chin-Kun Hu),台北中央研究院物理研究所研究员。胡进锟获得新竹市国立清华大学物理系学士(1971), 硕士(1973), 和博士(1976) 。曾在加州大学(1978-1979),缅因大学(1979-1981),多伦多大学(1981-1983),比利时自由大学(1985)和哈佛大学(1991-1993)研究。

学术专长包括统计、计算、非线性及生物物理,喜爱历史和跨领域研究,于学术期刊和会议论文集发表学术论文300多篇, Web of Science h-index: 38, google scholar h-index: 43, i10-index: 157。曾获多个学术奖项,并担任EPL共同编辑(2009-2016)Plos One 学术编辑和 Chinese Journal of Physics (Taipei) 总编辑、国际纯粹及应用物理联合会(IUPAP)统计物理委员会委员(1987-1993)、秘书(1996-2002)及副主席(2002-2005)。现任中央研究院物理研究所研究员和科技部国家理论科学中心荣誉中心科学家。



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